Sunday, April 11, 2010

You See What I See - A Time Clash

A Time Clash
For this assignment, I was to create a sequence of images which comprises six to nine photographs to narrate a story.

The story is about the rivalry between the mighty Orange Clock and the stubborn Alarm Clock. One day, while looking across the room, Orange Clock saw that Alarm Clock displayed a different time from his. This triggered a fierce rivalry between them. “There shall be only one time in this room. Mine!” said Orange Clock. The clocks fought for their time. Eventually, Orange Clock won by cutting the power supply of his rival. Elated by his victory, he emitted deafening beeps. This woke up the tired room occupant. Annoyed, he slammed the Orange Clock off.

Story board:
Choosing the photos:

Three photos, all taken at a low angle to show the mightiness of the Orange Clock.

High angle photos to give an overview of the room and to show that Orange Clock sees Alarm Clock from afar.

Close up shots of the two clocks have been edited to convey rivalry between them due to the time difference.

Long shots, to show that the Orange Clock is parachuting to the Alarm Clock.

Mid shots to emphasize the action of the Orange Clock on the Alarm Clock.

These two photos were edited to give the impression that Orange Clock was catapulted.

Long shots, to show the environment in which the Orange Clock is (behind the Alarm Clock) and that he is pulling off the power cable of the Alarm Clock.

The left picture, which is a medium shot, shows the Orange Clock on top of Alarm Clock.
The right picture was taken at a Dutch angle to announce that something unexpected is likely to happen.

The first picture is a top view which shows the Orange Clock being slammed down.
The second picture was taken at different anle. It shows the clock a bit more clearly.
The third picture is a point of view shot, from the room occupant's perspective.

Photos narrative series.

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