Monday, February 22, 2010

Class Exercise D

For Class Exercise C, we had to make photo compositions.

I took a photo of the lecture theater clock, form a low angle to emphasis the importance of time. I tried to take the photo with a dutch angle, so as to create a sense of uneasiness, as if the time was going too fast or too slow.

This Photo is a photo of the stairs leading to the exit door, from a low angle. I wanted to give the impression of the door (towards liberty :p) to be very far, and the stairs to be daunting. I am not quite sure this turned out well though, since i could not get a lower angle than this.

The third photo is just a LongShot of the Lecture Theater, to describe the mood and the atmosphere, at that particular time.

The last photo is actually another LongShot, of the LT. I actually wanted to take a photo from the point of view (over the shoulder) that people sitting at this row can get.

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