Monday, February 22, 2010

Class Exercise D

For Class Exercise C, we had to make photo compositions.

I took a photo of the lecture theater clock, form a low angle to emphasis the importance of time. I tried to take the photo with a dutch angle, so as to create a sense of uneasiness, as if the time was going too fast or too slow.

This Photo is a photo of the stairs leading to the exit door, from a low angle. I wanted to give the impression of the door (towards liberty :p) to be very far, and the stairs to be daunting. I am not quite sure this turned out well though, since i could not get a lower angle than this.

The third photo is just a LongShot of the Lecture Theater, to describe the mood and the atmosphere, at that particular time.

The last photo is actually another LongShot, of the LT. I actually wanted to take a photo from the point of view (over the shoulder) that people sitting at this row can get.

Assignment 2 - Less is More

For the second Assignment, we had to design a pictogram for a local site (shopping complex, school, sport hall, etc,..). As the Youth Olympics 2010 will take place in Singapore later this year, I created a pictogram for indicating the location of soccer fields.

Chosen Pictogram (Fifth level of Abstraction)

Emplacement of the pictogram at the NUS SRC soccer field.

Abstraction process.

I found it actually quite hard to come up with the five abstractions process, since the original photo was quite simple to begin with, so that there was no much things that could be abstracted. So in the end i just abstracted the arms.

Class Exercise B

For Class Exercise B, we were ask to make Constructive Criticism on this picture.

The picture is obviously an attempt in integrating the face a real person into an Avatar.
While examining the picture, I made the following observations :

- First of all, the setting. The character is situated in a jungle. This shows the link between the character and nature. This correctly transcribe the tribal nature of the Character.

- The face did not blend perfectly into the avatar. The middle portion of the face looks a bit "blank". There are some sorts of tattoos on the forehead and neck of the avatar, while the central part of the face is quite plain, and does not have these particular patterns. Adding these tattoos like patterns would make the picture more realistic.

- The eyes are a bit weird. The character's right eye is looking forward, while its left eye seems to be looking to the character's right. This makes the picture unnatural and awkward. This defect can be corrected by repositioning the avatar's left eye pupil in the center of the iris.

Also, the avatar in this picture is not exactly like the one in the movie. Its eyes are supposed to be much larger.
Having seen the movie before, this fact disturbed me quite a bit. But someone who has not seen the movie, might just have overlooked this point.

- There is also an issue with the overall lighting of the picture. Looking at the hair, The light sems to be shining on the Avatar's right, while the lighting on the face, neck and body, is shining on the other side.