Sunday, January 31, 2010

Here is my Design after some little tweaks to the design, to make all the different parts, blend together.
I made a background. Then integrated a piano in the design. Reason for this is obviously because I play and like to listen Piano.

I realized that my name (arranged circularly) did not fit quite well. So, I detached each letters and rearranged them as shown.
Here is a graphic of my rough, made in Illustrator
These are my two roughs for the "me, myself and I" assignment.

The first one is a horse. I tried to fit the letters of my name into the shape of a horse. But I doubt this will turn out nicely afterwards.

I then developed on the idea of Music. The letters of my name actually represent musical notes and notations, which really exist. My first attempt was to put the "j" in the center and all the remaining letters (o, n, A, t, H, A, n) around it. But I was not too sure whether it was readable enough, so I made another version with the letters arranged horizontally, next to each other.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

First class exercise.